McDelivery web ordering system

McDonald’s global vision for digital is to bring an entirely new level of everyday convenience and fun to the world, and ultimately generate business growth. To live up to this vision, McDonald’s will continually evolve their offerings to ensure it meets customers’ tastes.

The McDonald’s Delivery Service (MDS) was developed to extend McDonald’s access to a previously untapped market. While the McDonald’s call centre takes the majority of orders, launching digital ordering channels through web, mobile web and mobile app, has given the brand new reach to customers – offering increased convenience at a tenth of the cost of service.

MDS Digital ordering was launched in China in 2011 and has progressively rolled out to 25 markets in the region, now widely available across Asia and Middle East. But the digital service experience left a lot to be desired, and needed an overhaul if it was to be McDonald’s leading out-of-restaurant touch point. The legacy user-interface (UI) design and user experience (UX) of MDS Digital used an out-of-date platform that was disorienting to users and resulted in high bounce and cart abandonment rates. In key markets (China, Korea and Japan), McDonald’s was experiencing worrying drop-off rates (47 to 65%) from registration.

In just four months (October 2014 to January 2015), the re-design of MDS has led to stronger conversion (31.7% increase in conversion rate) and significant digital business growth (77% increase in growth rate of digital orders, compared to 41% for phone and web combined over the same period). Digital now accounts for more than half of all MDS orders (an increase of 26%).

(Sources: Google Analytics and McDonald’s business data)