StarHub Adobe portal and e-Store

The Challenge

StarHub, like most telcos, faced a high cost-of-sale and lengthy customer waiting time due to heavy dependency on brick-and-mortar Retail channels. StarHub’s website was to be revamped to address key learnings about its visitors based on website data and user research.

  • Visitors were primarily task-focused with very specific tasks in mind
  • Many visitors could not find what they wanted, resulting in high bounce and exit rates
  • Even top searched items were not highly accessible
  • Many visitors did not progress beyond a few pages.

The Solution

We realised that this wasn’t about a new website: it was about a new business outlook that needed to make the hub of a wider business ecosystem. To achieve this, it was crucial to:

  • Shift to an online-led marketing and customer service model where an online store complemented offline stores
  • Conquer the three arenas of search (search engines, social media and on the site itself)
  • Create an intuitive, predictive on-site experience for each customer using multiple data sources

With simplicity as the key design philosophy, we distilled elegance from complexity. This has made the entire experience immersive, interactive and simple to navigate; helping our guests find their way to what they want.

Iconography kept the site visually rich while reducing clutter.

Product information was summarized into bite-size layers - modular design that added more by showing visitors less.

Information was organised to make it simpler to find with minimal keystrokes.

The experience was designed to be seamlessly responsive across any screen, letting you take the new everywhere.

Marketing efforts for the Online Store consistently highlighted specific ‘why buys’ compared to Retail outlets whilst extra Online Store incentives were regularly offered on top of StarHub’s weekly Mobile offers in mass media. Dedicated Online Store-only campaigns were also implemented and promoted via digital and social channels, offering exclusive tactical incentives to increase adoption of the channel.

The Results

KPIs were co-developed with StarHub from the initial planning stage to ensure robust traceability of all interactions and behaviours around the store. We were able to track where prospects were coming from, dwelltime in key areas, all the way to the placement of orders. Results have been positive, with significantly better website usage performance, queue reductions reported in Retail stores during peak purchase periods and promising Online Store sales results.