RSAF One Force
The Challenge
The RSAF wanted to engage youth to experience its many vocations – pilots, engineers, weapon officers, radar, navigation specialists etc.
We wanted to go beyond just ‘advertising vocations to prospects’ and engaging them to explore and discover which ones best fit their acumen.
Forget 360. Engage youth in virtual reality as one great experience. You can’t be part of an ad but you could be part of a virtual-reality app.
Especially one where the RSAF gives unprecedented access to vocations, weapons and hardware in an immersive game of operatives - allowing youth to experience and be excited by the vocations within the RSAF.
The Idea and Execution
Introducing One Force - an innovative and immersive engagement campaign.
A 60-sec RSAF TV commercial launched on 8 Feb 2014, followed by the roll-out of print ads and outdoor posters featuring a range of vocations at the RSAF.
Users could also build their own air bases and attack each other – inviting a high ‘spread on’ effect, role play key personnel, challenge friends, hunt down the enemy and take on the vocations within the RSAF.
The Results
Within the first month, the One Force app reached over 23,000 downloads. It achieved an average app rating of 4.0 stars on the App store, and became No.1 on the App Store for ‘Strategy’ and ‘Simulation’ categories, and No.3 in the ‘Games’ category.
To date, the One Force trailer has reached close to 190,000 views on Youtube, while the TVC has gotten over 500,000 views.
It actually enhanced the impact of its above-the-line ads - all achieved without an increase in overall budget.